DRFO Prelims Test Series 2018


Deputy Range Forest Officer Exam Pattern 2018

S.No Subject Marks
1. Numerical Ability 10
2. Verbal and Non-Verbal Ability 05
3. Logical and Analytical Reasoning 10
4. Statistics 05
5. Graduation Level forestry Subjects or Fundamentals of pure sciences  (viz. Physics and Chemistry and their

application in day to day life.”) or Fundamentals of life sciences (viz. Botany, Zoology and environment science

and  their application in day to day life.)”

6. Indian Polity 05
7. History of India 05
8. Indian and World Geography 05
9. Current Events 05
10. Indian Economy 05
Total Marks 100 Marks


S.No Exam Type Name of Subjects  Total no. of Marks Time Duration 
1. Objective Aptitude 30 3 Hours
2. B.Sc(Forestry) or 45
3. General Awareness 25
Total 100 Marks

Karnataka Forest DRFO Syllabus 2018

The Exam pattern helps to know the structure of the Karnataka Deputy RFO examination. Now, note down the subject topics that might come across in the Range forest officer examination. Also, Download Karnataka Range Forest Officer Syllabus 2018 given in below sections.

Kannada Language Syllabus

  • Comprehension Passages.
  • Essay Writing.
  • Report Writing.
  • Idioms & Phrases.
  • Precis Writing.
  • Translation of Sentences.
  • Communication Skills.

Karnataka DRFO Syllabus 2018: English Language

  • Essay Writing.
  • Precis Writing.
  • Stating True or False.
  • One Sentence/Word Answer.
  • Letter Writing.
  • Choosing the Correct Answer.
  • Use of Verbs, Articles, and Prepositions.
  • Fill in the Blanks.

Karnataka Forest Dept Syllabus 2018 for Aptitude Test

Numerical ability

Candidates would be tested on their understanding of basic arithmetic and speed of calculation:, number systems, averages, percentages, profit and loss, simple and compound interest, sequences, indices, ratio and proportion, partnership, time and work, speed and distance, algebra, trigonometry , heights and distances, mensuration, geometry.

Verbal and non-verbal ability

Letters and words as symbols, analysis relationship between groups of letters or words, completing series or order of letters or word analogy, finding odd man out, coding and decoding based on illustrated principles. Shapes and patterns, arranging shapes or designs into associated groups and finding out the odd man and completing the sequence.

Logical and analytical reasoning

Application of logic and making judgments in given situations. General reasoning and determination of the validity of an inference from a statement based on some given parameters.


Elementary statistics such as mean, median, mode, making deductions from pie and bar charts, graphs, figures and tables

Karnataka Deputy Range Forest Officer Syllabus 2018 for General Knowledge

Current events

Significant national and international events, personalities (both Indian and International) in news, including sports events and personalities.

History of India

Ancient, medieval and recent history including the Indian national movement, its social, economic and political aspects including the nature and character of the 19th century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of independence.


The earth, its shape and size, latitudes and longitudes, ocean currents and tides, atmosphere and its composition including physical, social and economic geography of India, its climate, vegetation, natural resources, location and distribution of agricultural and industrial activities.

Indian Polity

The country’s political system and Constitution of India, covering broadly its frame work, main features, different organs of Government and their functioning at the Centre, State and local levels including Panchayath Raj institutions. Fundamental rights, Fundamental duties and Directive principles of state policy, Functioning of Indian democracy and elections.

Indian Economy

Economic developments in India, basic foundation of the economy, features and sectors of Indian economy, process of planning and five year plans, markets and State controls, process of liberalization and globalization, inflation, poverty and unemployment.


Karnataka Forest Dept Syllabus 2018 – Forestry

  • Eco-Tourism.
  • Elementary Mathematics.
  • Forest ecology, BioDiversity & Conservation.
  • Moral & Value Education.
  • General Bio-Chemistry.
  • Agroforestry & Social Forestry.
  • Wildlife Management & Biosphere.
  • Principles and practices of Silviculture.
  • NCC & NSS.
  • Cytology & Genetics.
  • Professional Communication and Technical Writing.
  • Forest Utilization.
  • Forest Soils and Watershed Management.
  • Tree Improvement.
  • Tree Seed Technology.
  • Computer Application.
  • Forest Bio-Technology.
  • Tree Physiology.
  • Rangeland Management.
  • Forest Pathology & Disease Management.
  • Forestry Work Experience.
  • Livestock Management.
  • Soil Water Management.
  • Logging & Ergonomics.
  • Climate Change.
  • Bio-Energy.
  • Plantation Forestry.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment.
  • Human Development, Professional Ethics & Personality Development.
  • Wood Science & Technology.
  • Statistical Methods & Designs of Experiments.
  • Introduction to Tree Science.
  • Agrometeorology.
  • Physical Education.
  • Forest Management & Working Plan.
  • Forest Mensuration.
  • Wood Seasoning and Preservation.
  • Fruit Production & Plantation Crops.
  • Attachment.
  • Medicinal & Aromatic Plants.
  • Surveying and Levelling.
  • Silvicultural Systems.
  • Environmental Studies.
  • Introduction to Forest Soil Science & Geology.
  • Forest Entomology and Pest Management.
  • Dendrology.
  • Forest Policy and Legislation.
  • Study Tour.
  • Forest Project/Industrial Placement/Institutional.
  • Commercial Forestry.
  • Forest Production Economics and Marketing.
  • General & Forest Microbiology.
  • Principles of Forest Economics.
  • Wood Anatomy.
  • Fundamentals of Extension Education & Community Development


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